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Late last year I discovered that I have quite a number of hobbies. Coincidence or not, all of them are of the “outdoor” type. And I discovered that during the severe weather conditions – wet / snowy, cold and windy – I’m stuck inside with not much to do. And it annoyed me.
I like […]
21 years ago, during a nice summer day in Constanta, my uncle let me use a radio remote control transmitter for the first time in my life. It was controlling a sail boat, a nice device built entirely by him. The only purchased items were the accumulators and the control servos. Other than that, the […]
About one year ago I bought a very, very cool foamie. Expensive as hell for a foamie, but it flies heavenly. I’m talking about Multiplex‘s Acromaster, a very well engineered (German, d’oh…) air model. While the technical specs are rather common (around 1010 mm – 1,01 m – wingspan, 1120 mm length, powered by a […]
WARNING: this post is in Romanian. For certain personal reasons, I chose this approach. If you’d like a translation, let me know and I’ll try to provide one. Stiu ca blogul asta e in engleza. Ma rog, l-am migrat eu la engleza cu oarece timp in urma. Dar bucuria pe care am simtit-o azi ma […]
So, finally, “I can has good weather”. After being kept inside by either bad weather (what a lousy winter…) or various duties and tasks, I decided to use wisely the first day off with decent weather in this year. So, on Sunday April 4th – the very first Easter day – we headed to the […]
It is one week – or even less – until this year’s Aeropower Indoor Challenge event, which takes place, as usual, in the Concordia sports hall in the nice village of Chiajna, near Bucharest. Given that Milady has bought me an indoor flying model – Malibu F3P – as a Christmas present (on the condition […]
In sfarsit apuc sa ma exprim si pe blog… (Si mai am de terminat kit review-ul de pe forumul RHC – damn; in fine, l-oi termina si pe ala). Cert este ca ieri, intrucat vremea se anunta frumoasa, am hotarat sa ne indreptam spre modelodromul de la Luica. Desi sunt 60 km pana acolo, imaginile […]
Dupa o destul de indelungata absenta, am revenit la lucru. Pe de o parte m-am apucat de Extra (in continuare…) iar pe de alta parte am decis sa iesim azi putin din casa deoarece unu la mana am dat peste o mica problema la Extra, iar a doua la mana tot voiam sa mergem la […]
Dupa cum spuneam alaltaieri, am avut ocazia sa ma dau cu un dirijabil. Model, desigur. Oportunitatea a venit cand amicul meu Mircea mi-a solicitat ajutorul intrucat el urma sa evolueze cu acest aparat la o reuniune desfasurata la Targu Mures. (Un oras frumos, in care mi-ar placea sa revin cateva zile pur si simplu pentru […]
După o pauză destul de lungă, cauzată de o penurie acută de timp, m-am hotarât să mai scriu și eu ceva. Nu de alta, dar s-au adunat destule și risc să nu vă descriu niște experiențe potențial interesante…
Nu o să mă apuc să mă desfășor în ordine cronologică, mi-ar lua destul timp. Vă voi […]